The ex-wife of State Rep. Holly Eaton (D-Deer Isle) allegedly stole a political sign supporting the independent candidate trying to unseat Rep. Eaton on Sunday and was caught on a trail camera.
Property owner Kyle Jones posted footage of a woman he identified as Trisha Eaton in the woods, apparently stealing his sign for independent candidate Jason Joyce, prompting a response from Rep. Eaton.
[RELATED: VIDEO: Stolen Trump Signs Mysteriously Appear Behind Maine Democrats’ HQ…]
Eaton confirmed the identity of the woman in the video, emphasizing that she is her ex-wife, not her current spouse, and completely condemning her actions.
“Many of you have seen the video of my ex-wife stealing Jason Joyce signs from Kyle Jones and Ashlyn Grays home. First and foremost I want it to be understood that I do not condone this behavior,” said Eaton in a Facebook post.
She claimed that, in 2022, when Joyce ran against her as a Republican, it was her signs that were being stolen more often.
Removing a lawfully placed political sign from someone else’s property is a civil offense under Maine law, punishable by a $250 fine.
Eaton encouraged Joyce and the sign’s owner to take all available legal action against her ex-wife for the alleged theft.
“As you all know this is a punishable offense, and I fully support any action that the Jones family or the Jason Joyce for Maine House of Representatives District 15 campaign take,” said Eaton.
After her statement, Eaton entered the comment section of Jones’ original post, complaining that anyone would tie her ex-wife’s behavior to her campaign.
Even Trisha’s mother joined the debate.

Eaton proceeded to make a post criticizing people for calling her marriage and divorce “gay” or “lesbian,” just one day after a post celebrating “International Lesbian Day.”
“In none of the documents that accompany the marriage or the divorce does it also say “gay” or “lesbian” in order to describe the kind of marriage or divorce,” said Eaton.
It is unclear whether that statement came in response to the discourse surrounding the sign theft.
Joyce made no public statement directly addressing the situation but did post a reminder that his campaign has more yard signs available, even offering to deliver them to supporters.
Political yard signs have caused significant controversy in Maine recently.
An amateur investigator decided to start searching for the pro-Trump signs she had placed on public property outside the Piscataquis County Democrats Headquarters.
The signs had mysteriously disappeared, but she discovered them piled behind the Democratic headquarters.
That incident prompted a statement from the local Dover-Foxcroft police chief, condemning the theft and reminding locals of the legal penalty for unlawfully removing political signs.
Sorry I missed that October 8th was International Lesbian Day. 🤥
Judging by the amount of Harris / Walz signs in Lincoln County , there are an awful lot of low information, virtue signaling, trump hating , stupid voters in Maine . God help us .
Thing you got to remember is that for every house you don’t see a sign at they’re voting for Trump. The dem’s are so unhinged and lawless that normal people don’t want the trauma of watching the snowflakes cry and the foot stomping.
Violent Lesbians?? Who Knew?
Just democrats being democrats, here in Topsham there were many conservative signs knocked over or pulled up. When you have no ethics it’s easy to validate unethical actions!