Kiernan Majerus-Collins, a former member of the Maine Democratic Party State Committee for Androscoggin County, called Republican voters the “most privileged people on Earth” and said that the differences between the Taliban and the GOP are “hard to find” in a social media post this week.
Majerus-Collins, a former school committee member for Lewiston Public Schools, made the comment on a Sunday Facebook post from Rob Korobkin, who describes himself on his website as an “independent journalist.”
“The MAGA guys out here even drive around with pickup trucks with flags blowing over the bed and assault rifles inside,” Korobkin wrote as the caption to a post with an image with Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson one side, and an image of what appears to be of Taliban fighters on the other.
“I’ve never been able to see the difference,” Korobkin wrote.
The text-heavy meme image appears to claim that “MAGA” — referring to supporters of former President Donald Trump — and the Taliban both are against “LBTQ,” science, women’s rights, abortion, the separation of church and state, and support theocracy.

The 2024 Republican Party Platform actually removed language from its previous platform referring to marriage as between “one man and one woman.”
The platform makes one mention of “science,” in stating that “Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda.”
Abortion is mentioned once in the GOP platform, affirming the party’s position against “Late Term Abortion.” Former President Trump has promised to veto any federal abortion ban in his second term.
The GOP also promised to “restore protections for women and girls,” such as to “keep men out of women’s sports.”
On religious liberty, the GOP affirmed the First Amendment and stated “Our ranks include men and women from every Faith and Tradition, and we respect the Right of every American to follow his or her deeply held Beliefs.”
It is unclear exactly how the Republican Party’s 2024 Platform, which has become more liberal from the previous years, aligns with the Taliban, who have placed bans on women working outside of the home and obtaining an education.
Majerus-Collins, in a comment below Korobkin’s post, wrote:
“The Taliban is mostly made up of desperate people with no access to education, while the Republican Party is made up of some of the most privileged people on Earth.”
“Other than that, the differences are hard to find,” the Maine Democrat wrote.

Majerus-Collins appears to be unaware that the ultraconservative Taliban started as a force made up of religious students and scholars in Afghanistan — in fact, their name means “students” in Pashto.
The Democratic Party State Committee member’s claim that the Republican Party is “made up of some of the most privileged people on Earth” seems especially out of place in Maine, where the rural and relatively less affluent 2nd Congressional District voted for Trump by a wide margin in both 2016 and 2020.
Kiernan Majerus-Collins is the son of Steve Majerus-Collins, state house reporter for the Lewiston Sun Journal. He was also formerly the chair of the Lewiston Democratic Committee.
Korobkin and the other bearded guy with the hyphenated name have nothing to say that I care to read about with my morning coffee. Lewiston is a good place for them to stay.
Another voice heard from beautiful multi cultural Lewiston . I thought only uppity virtue signaling women had hyphenated names . Is this guy some trans thing ?
Here is a PERFECT example of why , if Republicans can’t win back control of the state and the country , that we will go over the edge .
The ONLY way to get rid of these assholes is to vote them out of office .
What a bunch of shit from that guys mouth .
Shut him up . Vote the democrats out next week .
Save Maine . Save America.
We can’t have people like this directing our country .
Looks like a little Taliban face beard to me . What a creep .
Lewiston Strong …LMAO . Lewiston is full of shit .
So loving, so tolerant.
Funny him saying things like that given the Democrats are the one flooding the state with unvetted people from third world countries, bringing crime with them, who are being given everything from housing to cash at not cost to them but great cost to us taxpayers who work and pay our own way.
Typical thing a fascist would say, or a racist, probably both. I love when these morons post because it will be with he/she the rest of his/her life. Enjoy your fame Mr. hyphenated, I doubt if your husband will be as pleased.
Oh where to start, let ask Taliban controlled women
Any “MAN” with a hyphenated last name has to be short some testosterone. This guy is the definition of A SOYBOY. Pussy.
where are his entries for islam beating women to death and shooting people in the head in the stadium?
or raping the little boys?
no one in the US in political power has even hinted at supporting theocracies.
many of us R’s will debate math, science and engineering on request.
This kind of cancer needs to be excised from Maine politics. Maine IS better than that.
Nobody would see your face or know your name Rob without you having a keyboard. The things members of the party of tolerance won’t say to you face to face!
Republicans are privileged because we do all the work that makes society work!
Democrats are Socialists that suck off the government teat while the do all the can to dismantle society.
Dems are leaches, sucking the life out of our Republic!
5 dats left to freedom
And the Democrats are akin to Karl Marx.
What’s this? Nazi getting old so we switch to the Taliban. Got no policies that the working people of ME want to hear so resort to name calling and bashing. STFU
NEWS FLASH: The Dirty Lew is full of woketards and other degens.
Have a nice day. 🙂
How IGNORANT can this “Man” be?? The Taliban throw LGBT guys (like him) off of BUILDINGS as punishment, whereas in the U.S. we are simply asking them not to read porno to children in the 5th grade and under. How CONTROLLING OF US!!! Does this unabashed and complete IDIOT have Google?
Any man with a hyphenated last name benefits from tampon Timmy bathrooms
Google “ Lockland Ohio “
This is what awaits YOUR hometown .
Look 2 of Little Somalia’s brightest Bum Dart Champions wrote something on the Inter Web ….