Maine’s Democratic Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (ME-CD1) says the wildfires raging in Southern California are the result of rising temperatures, stronger winds, and longer droughts — all caused by climate change.
“It’s clear that climate change is helping fuel these fires,” Pingree said in an Instagram post.
In a similar post on BlueSky, Pingree predicted that the fires will, because of climate change, “only get worse.”
Interestingly, Pingree posted a similar message at the same time on X about the LA fires but failed to identify climate change as the culprit.
Although the fires are still raging and an investigation has scarcely begun, climate change is just one of the suspects floated by amateur weather-watchers like Pingree, as well as more seasoned climate observers like Barbra Streisand.
Alternative theories have suggest that the fires may have been started intentionally by arsonists, including Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva, an illegal alien from Mexico who was arrested with a blow torch near one of the active fire locations.
Some conservative commentators have even gone so far as to suggest that left-wing affirmative actions policies — such as preferential hiring for non-white women over white men within the fire department — may have contributed to the severity of the blaze.
As has now been admitted by LA Water Chief Janisse Quiñones, who earns $750,000 per year from the city, the fire hydrants that should have been used to fight the fire ran out of water due to poor water management practices.
Despite her belief in the wrathful power of climate change, Pingree keeps a home and a business on North Haven Island — a location that is, per public geological records, roughly 20 feet above sea level.

Anything to make a buck with this one, eh?
The anti-science Maine Wire is always there to spread propaganda to destroy our planet’s ability to support human life.
Mexico’s west coast and the Baja Peninsula have similar geological features; arid, windy, and similar plant life. And, most importantly, the same climate. Mexico has few fires of the regularity are magnitude of California. We tour there independently 4-5 weeks every year since the late 1990’s and never see any evidence of anything even remotely similar to what happens almost every year in Southern California. I have a photo taken from Manzanillo across the bay. People ask what’s the name of that volcano that’s erupting in the distance… I explain that it’s a power plant.
Pingree is an idiot .
Maine just re-elected her .
This is what we get .
Until we elect MORE republicans than there are democrats , we are going to have to be the audience for total clowns like Pingree .
“You can’t fix stupid.”
Chellie Pingree is just another democrat “ global warming “ talking head robot .
California has had wetter weather over the past few years NOT drier .Fact .
The wind has blown in winter out there for a thousand years .Fact
The cause of these fires going out of control is because of lousy Democratic Party management . Fact .
Let er rip there Chellie , Spoon the people some more party approved shit, so you can sell them more heat pumps , more windmills , more E cars .Pingree gets richer , Mainers get poorer .Fact
Next week Pingree will be blaming Trump .
Pingree is a “Democratic Tool “ and nothing else .
In The REAL Maine we spell it Shelley. .
Them you better get your Democratic ass in gear because our woods are in need of help
Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva– Anear by rope would solve the issue.
The rising tide of discontent will be sinking her anis soon.
At that point I will thank the rising sea level.
Can’t wait to see the look on those celebrities faces when they’re told that their burned out lots are being turned into the next 20 minute city just like Maui, priceless. And it’s all thanks to the local and state government. Looks to me like they were setting this catastrophe up from the beginning.
Sorry MZIT the dems ruined the “trust the science” shtick. What their saying is trust my science, no thanks.
“It’s alive it’s alive”. First time anyone has heard anything for this idiot in months and this is what she has to say. Good Lord.
its obviously clear chelie pingree , is delusional and either actually believes the crap she spouts, or is juat undoubtfully paid for by the communists that have infiltrated our goverments around the country. including the likes of karen bass ! fact! do your own research . lease tell these D.E.I .hires, DUMB.EDUCATED.IDIOTS , that the climate changes 4 times a year, according to our calander anyways….
Pingree is only feeding the drones.
Pingree is mentally ill, as are all Liberal Communists; Anus King & Screwsie Collins to add to that band of traitors. Hopefully, Trump will deal with them all first thing.
Rochelle Johnson Pingree is worried about climate change and rising sea levels…AND CHOOSES TO MAKE HER HOME LIVING IN LUXURY AND SECLUSION ON NORTH HAVEN ISLAND. What a moronic hypocrite.