Maine’s Department of Education (DOE) issued a statement on Tuesday opposing President Donald Trump’s day-one executive order that officially acknowledges there are only two sexes and preserves women-only spaces from males.
“The Executive Order ‘Defending Women From Gender ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government’ applies to the Federal government/Federal government agencies only and does not inhibit the force of Maine law or locally-adopted school board policies,” said the DOE’s priority notice.
In addition to reminding local school boards that President Trump’s order applies only to federal institutions, the DOE argued that they are required to comply with the Maine Human Rights Act (MHRA).
The MHRA prohibits discrimination based on a variety of factors, including the allegedly mutable gender identity and gender expression.
Trump’s order focuses on the negative effect of radical gender ideology on women by allowing men into women’s-only places, including prisons. In Maine, at least one convicted murderer has been placed into a women’s prison after transitioning, post-conviction, into a woman. Although there have been no reported cases of sexual assault in Maine’s new mixed-sex prisons, other jurisdictions that mix sexes in prisons have seen sexual assaults and even pregnancies.
[RELATED: Maine Man Who Murdered His Parents and Dog Moved to Women’s Prison…]
“My Administration will defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies that recognize women are biologically female, and men are biologically male,” said Trump.
The order prevents prisoners from being housed based on gender identity rather than sex and stops the use of any federal funds for medical procedures “for the purpose of conforming an inmate’s appearance to that of the opposite sex.”
Trump did not specifically mention schools in his order. However, in repealing all Biden-era orders and directives supporting gender ideology, it does repeal directives discussing its application in schools.
In addition to acknowledging the existence of only two sexes, male and female, the order requires that only biological sex, and not gender identity, be indicated on official documents such as driver’s licenses or passports.
It provides a biological definition of each, acknowledging that a person’s sex is a biological reality determined at the moment of conception, rather than at some undefined moment in the future based on feelings.
“‘Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell,” says the order.
“‘Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell,” it continues.
Under Gov. Janet Mills’s administration, Maine has become one of the most extreme states in its support for gender ideology, with taxpayer-funded irreversible transgender procedures for minors and legal protections for doctors performing those procedures on minors from out of state.
Maine’s schools have become a subject of national attention for allowing males to compete in girls’ sports and doing nothing while a biologically male transgender-identifying student attacked a girl and left her with a concussion.
Just cut federal funding, pretty easy.
There are only two genders…. FEMALE and MALE!
Somebody PLEASE send a note to Pam Bondi .
Time to end this nonsense .
Another department of useless democrat bureaucrats in Augusta .
Keep it up you idiots .
There’s a new sheriff in town and he’s looking at you !
YOU won’t get away with this .
This is fine. The next action should be federal law stating that if parents don’t agree with school policy that the school must remit the funds allotted for that student to the school of the parent’s choice. Soon, when schools have 10x more teachers that student’s maybe they’ll pull their heads out of their asses.
Just another useless group of HACKS who need to be fired! I’m hoping that Trump does way with the national DOE, then cut spending for the state DOE! Go away!
I’m so damn tired of these freaks and their twisted agenda.
We still execute traitors right?
We have some of the lowest test scores and we know why.
Donald Trumps Department of Justice will see to it , that if these rubes don’t want to comply with the new rules , they will be prosecuted .
The federal money faucet will be shut off and Maine won’t get squat from federal dollars . .
Don’t forget that the idiot Bellows tried to keep him off our ballot . HE HAS NOT FORGOTTEN .
The end of this DEI , woke , windmill insanity , Soros Marxist Socialism is about to come to a screeching grinding halt . Party over folks .
Janet will have to double or triple all our state taxes to make up the difference . When will the Republican can regain control of our state ?
If Maine Dept of Ed were TRYING to destroy educational opportunities for citizens, they couldn t have been doing a more effective job at sabotage
They are …
The eo was written like some AI slop. By the text of it we are all now considered female in the eyes of the federal government.
Abolish this department already. Schools receive their state funding through appropriations.
Well, then is OK to ignore all of State taxes!!
We’ve already seen boys pretending to be girls beat up actual girls then face no consequences.
We have boys who aren’t good enough to compete against other boys pretend to be girls and take away girls’ spots on teams.
Add to that the illegals who beat up American kids and pay no consequences.
We see where the school system and the state govt priorities are and it’s not on making the state a better place for hard working American & Maine citizens.
Flaunt federal rules, lose federal funding.
Maine educators are too dumb to know the difference between a man and a woman.
Pender Makin is the head of MDOE in case anyone is wondering.
MDOE (207) 624-6600
Turn her into the new TRUMP administration. Throw mills in JAIL!
Dave What a good idea. There will be no $ for New Manier’s and 75,000 people will leave maybe for Delaware. Hi Joe!
What the heck King’s stand on Pete will insure we have no work in Southern Maine and No work at Bath, not even a cutter to build.
An independent can vote either way so this I is a D
These people are so determined to destroy our children.
Whenever I see a picture of Gov Mills, I have to wonder if I am looking and a man or woman. Perhaps it suffers the same confusion every morning if it looks in a mirror. That might explain its love of the queer flag.
So when dies the bankruptcy of the state of maine start ??
N.h. is looking better and better. They just eliminated more taxes too !
Pack the van momma!
Janet Blinky should move to California with Newscum Dancey….Seems that her dream for maine is alot like newscums California dreamin’… what a pair…
I just started 3 weeks ago this web income system that my friend recommended to me and I’ve gotten 2 checks for a total of $9,200… this is the best decision I made in a long time! v3 This extra cash has changed my life in so many ways, thank you!
Here is I started_______
Past time to get rid of the law that limits the number of charter schools in Maine to ten for the entire state.
Easy solution. Parents must parent and teach children at home the family ideology.
If parents agree its ok to cut off a boys penis, thats on the parents and the parent should pay for the irreversable proceedure.
Parents who believe in biblical male or female creation should, must parent and teach this truth. And, make kids aware that some will try to undermine the familys beliefs.
But thats where true parenting comes in. The best way to save family, the state and country is to PARENT! Please do so for your and our children and grandchildrens sake.
Love this language!
“‘Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell, Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell”
Like sex (gender) could be assigned at birth. Non sense biology deniers.
Why would any citizen want to vote to approve the budget of a public school that demands the school impose DEI and transgender ideology?