(Editor’s Note: The following opinion editorial represents the opinion and perspective of the MMCM and its leadership.)
Protect Small Businesses: Maine’s Cannabis Industry Needs Fair Policies
Gov. Janet Mills’ proposal to impose mandatory testing and tracking on the medical cannabis market is a misguided approach that will harm small businesses while failing to address real concerns. Her claim that regulation is necessary for consumer safety ignores the fact that Maine’s medical program has been operating without incident since its inception in 1999 and that Maine’s existing adult-use (AU) testing program is deeply flawed. Inconsistent lab results, arbitrary microbial thresholds, and excessive costs have already burdened AU growers. Applying these same broken policies to medical cannabis will devastate caregivers and patients without improving safety.
The Real Issues: Illicit Grows & Law Enforcement
If Gov. Mills is concerned about illicit market activity, the solution is stronger law enforcement for known bad actors, not punishing legitimate small businesses with costly regulations. Mandatory testing will not curb illegal cultivation—it will only push legal caregivers out of the market, making illicit operations even more dominant.
The Cost of Unnecessary Testing
Small craft growers already struggle with thin margins, and adding expensive, unnecessary testing requirements will force many out of business. At $600 per strain, testing costs can quickly climb into the thousands of dollars per harvest. This is an undue burden on businesses that have operated responsibly for years.
A 40% Tax Hike: A Sin Tax in Disguise
Gov. Mills’ proposal to shift cannabis taxation by increasing the sales tax by 40 percent is nothing short of a sin tax—an unfair penalty on an industry still fighting outdated stigmas. Cannabis businesses, already burdened with excessive regulation, must now contend with a tax increase that will inevitably be passed on to consumers. This move comes at a time when high prices on essentials are already straining small businesses and families. If Maine truly wants a stable, competitive cannabis market, it should not be implementing regressive tax policies that punish both businesses and consumers.
The Unique Role of Medical Cannabis Operators
Medical cannabis operators are often smaller businesses with smaller cultivation operations that produce limited batches of product. One of the key benefits of working with these small entities is their ability to create custom blends tailored to a patient’s specific medical needs—something that is not possible within the rigid framework of the AU program. If forced to adopt AU testing guidelines, the increased costs would make these tailored medical solutions financially out of reach for both patients and small operators, effectively stripping patients of access to the personalized medicine they rely on.
Governor Mills Ignores Cannabis Stakeholders
Despite making major decisions affecting the industry, Gov. Mills has refused to engage directly with caregivers and small business owners. This dismissive approach suggests a lack of respect for the hardworking people who built Maine’s cannabis market.
A Path Forward
Instead of mandatory testing, Maine should:
- Enforce existing laws against illicit grow’s through law enforcement.
- Implement clean and consistent standards for testing labs.
- Focus on real safety threats like dangerous pesticides.
- Conduct long-overdue state-led research to establish evidence-based safety standards.
Mandatory testing won’t stop the illicit market—it will kill small businesses and reduce patient access to safe, high-quality cannabis. Governor Mills needs to stop ignoring industry stakeholders and start working with them to craft sensible, science-based policies.
As always, we wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity to talk to Governor Mills. As an association that represents over 200 of the caregivers and the thousands of patients that they serve affected by her proposal, we are eager to work together to strengthen both public safety and the cannabis industry. Our door is always open.
Medical Marijuana Caregivers Of Maine Board of Directors
Tammy Smith – President/Board Chair
Kristi Shaw – Vice Chair
Shanna Sousa – Treasurer
Kim McClintick – Board Member
Robbin Levin – Board Member
Eddie Dugay – Board Member – Legislative Liaison
Catherine Lewis – Legislative Consultant/ Education Chair
Cheryl Souza – Administrative Assistant
They are not OK with Mills brother helping to fund the illegal Chinese grow operation?
The business needs to be shut down
What a joke .
Here’s what this all boils down to .
Janet Mills allows Chinese gangs to illegally grow pot here in Maine .
The Chinese use deadly toxins – fungicides – and POISONS in the growing process .
Janet Mills should be impeached for her lack of action for this Public HEALTH EMERGENCY.
She will tax the legal inspected licensed growers out of business and in turn reward the illegal Chinese .
Janet Mills is a piece of shit .
Her democrat majority supports her every whim .
Her and their political careers in Maine is almost over . Thank God .
Maine Voters will not stand for this .
Not to be “ sexist “ or anything but I must make the following observation .
8 person “ board of directors “
7 women. 1 man
Definitely fully representative of the Democratic Party in Maine .
Plump yuppie women with scarves and hyphens ….minor associate degrees from UM …should be at the neighborhood book club …NOT running the State of Maine
We are in a deep hole .
We need to get out .
Where the hell is a report from that Marijuana Director / Commissioner Dub Dub Hudak ?
Taxpayers give him $170k a year .
Is he available or is he out back sharpening some more pencils ?
And NOT “:sharpening “to save money ….BUT TO SPEND SOME MORE MONEY
A PERFECT example of a useless Democratic Party clown
He let’s the Chinese grow poisoned pot that people will smoke , and then hassles the growers that the State of Maine “ inspects “ regulates “ taxes “ and “ control “ but he says he’s powerless to deal with the CCP …….
Wow …..THIS is unbelievable ……absolutely unbelievable!
“Maine’s Cannabis Industry Needs Fair Policies”
What the F*** makes you think you’re so special compared to every other business in the state?
“A 40% Tax Hike: A Sin Tax in Disguise”Welcome to the world of tobacco. You got a way to go to catch up so shut up and sit down. No, I don’t want to hear all the B.S. about the benefits to pot.
It needs to be shut down. Non-medical use needs to be evaluated. especially when driving.
Oh man gotta love the use of anti-authority rhetoric mixed up with good ol fashioned right-wing racism to protected entrenched interests ability to sell tainted products to cancer patients.
Shut it all down. People’s vote on Medical cannabis and no recreational use. Study DUI car accident’s for cause.
I wonder how many of the eight people ( do we REALLY need Eight people ) actually smoke any of this pot ?
All of this is just wasted talk and action as long as the Chinese triads are allowed to keep growing their toxic tainted product and selling it .
Shame or these “ pot experts “ for letting this continue .
And WE pay these people !