Below is the full transcript of Gov. Janet Mills’ full “State of the Budget” speech, delivered to a joint session of the State Legislature on Jan. 28.
Gov. Janet Mills “State of the Budget” Full Speech

The Maine Wire
The Maine Wire is a project of Maine Policy Institute. Dedicated to your right to know.
The fact that the large states that our economic growth is better than are New York and California is more concerning than anything else. If our growth was truly so great as she says, you would hope she would compare it to a state that isn’t drowning in debt, taxes, and crime.
We need a governor who will cut both spending and taxes. The more taxes you have the less the economy will grow because people won’t want to/be able to afford products and services which is not good for economic growth. If we cut spending on the useless programs, and subsequently tax less, our economy will grow and then more people will come to the state (which will grow the economy even more).
I didn’t see it because she pegged the bullshit meter a long time ago. If she said maines economic growth is better than new york and california that’s like saying at least were better than those two dumpster fires where citizens are fleeing by the busloads. The kicker is she’s trying to make maine more like them. Please somebody flush this trash.
I didn’t need to watch or listen to know I am worse off after her speech. The Democrats may dig the hole so wide and deep the state may never recover. My new plan is to be in Maine 1 day less than 6 months and be a FL resident. Bye
Janet! You are BANKRUPTING the state of Maine in favor of your delusional corrupt Marxist policies!
I watched the Governor read her budget speech the other night with great interest .
As she read her remarks and swatted what I assumed must have been pesky no seeums from her face , I immediately wondered which of her little minion assistants penned her speech .
I guessed maybe Pingree Jr . who I think has way too much control over the fate of our state .
I recalled the damage that her mother , the honorable Chellie Pingree has done .
That Pingree democrat even voted against the Lakin Reilly Act .
I wondered who those those uninterested men wearing Robert Hall suits were , and what it was on the ceiling that they were all staring at .
I was reminded of a classic circus ring show with many moving parts all spinning in different orbits , the various actors all dancing through their own well rehearsed roles as loyal party performers .
I was especially curious about the three darker clowns who sat to the right of the podium . They looked so studious and learned , so important and apparently respected as compared to the rest of the other clowns . I could not see any American flag lapel pins or red white and blue hair clips .
I wondered what they had done to earn and deserve those important looking seats .
I wondered about all those frowning plump women in their scarves and wrap uniforms , all nodding their heads in total agreement to what ever drivel the governor said .
It appeared to me that they might be better suited to be home in their beds reading romance novels and eating more designer cupcakes
I saw a couple of real babes .
I wondered who they were and and if we featured their faces on our State travel brochures .
The governors speech itself said to me one thing only and was easy for me to understand .
“ This is not MY fault. This is Donald Trumps fault .”
“ This is the fault of the republicans in the room who have not supported my brilliant policies “
“ Regardless of this I will continue to do exactly as I please and you can do nothing about it “
“ I and my fellow democrats will continue to spend what we don’t have and Maine taxpayers will be forced to accept it “:
“ I run Bartertown….Shut up and sit there ….I am Queen Janet and the people of Maine elected me “
“ If and When this clown bus crashes and burns …..I will remain victorious ….I call the shots here “
I HAD TO turn this “ State of The Budget “ speech lecture thing off before it ended .
I couldn’t take the pain of listening to another word .
From the very beginning the video camera visuals of the faces in the crowd , told me all I needed to know about what is happening in Augusta .
If Maine voters do not return COMPLETE Control of The State of Maine to the Republican Party in 2026 , our new state motto might as well be “ They Way Life Used to Be “….” Until We Destroyed It “:
But the good new is maybe we another can have a flag contest …put it on the flag….with a pine tree and a commie star . lists maine as having the 5th highest living wage requirement for a family of four in the US. Hawaii, Alaska, NY and Mass were the highest. Be sure to thank janet and her stooges running this state during the next election.
I just read this exact same post on another article .
Is that from a BOT hired by the bank rate company .Shit !
Does Tuna get paid ten cents a word ?
How many articles here are we going to have to see this on ?
Please go away !