President Donald Trump officially withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO) and cut all funding for the international agency amid a storm of executive orders issued on Inauguration Day.
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“The United States noticed its withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 due to the organization’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises, its failure to adopt urgently needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states,” said the executive order.
President Trump tried to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO during the final year of his first term in office, but President Joe Biden undid the withdrawal.
Historically, the U.S. has been the largest funder of WHO activities, with contributions to the organization increasing drastically during the COVID-19 epidemic. According to WHO, American contributions have accounted for as much $815 million in annual funding in recent years.

The WHO supported the draconian lockdowns, ineffective masking mandates, arbitrary social distancing standards, and vaccine mandates imposed on Americans and much of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[RELATED: Fauci Admits: No Evidence for Social Distancing, and Can’t Remember Studies Favoring Child Masking…]
The newly inaugurated president appeared delighted by the order when he received it to sign in the Oval Office on Monday night.
“Oooh, that’s a big one,” said Trump when told what order he was being given to sign.
Trump’s new executive order completely removes U.S. support for or membership in the WHO, ceases funding, provision of resources, and immediately recalls any government employees working with the WHO.
The order pointed out that the U.S. pays far more than its fair share to the WHO compared to the payments made by other larger nations such as China.
“The WHO continues to demand unfairly onerous payments from the United States, far out of proportion with other countries’ assessed payments. China, with a population of 1.4 billion, has 300 percent of the population of the United States, yet contributes nearly 90 percent less to the WHO, ” said the order.
Under the new order, any services provided by the WHO deemed necessary will be fulfilled by “credible and transparent” U.S. or international groups.
The U.S. will also cease negotiating with the WHO on its Pandemic Agreement, which would essentially force nations signed onto it to comply with WHO recommendations in the event of another pandemic.
Following Trump’s order, the WHO put out a statement expressing their disappointment over the U.S.’s withdrawal and a hope that the new president will reconsider.
“We hope the United States will reconsider and we look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue to maintain the partnership between the USA and WHO, for the benefit of the health and well-being of millions of people around the globe,” said the WHO.
Trump did not show any signs that he plans to reconsider his decision.
Why are you not allowing a comment to thank President Trump for this important withdrawal from certain disastor?
Thank Trump for saving our sovereignty!
There they go again… trying to make monkeys out of us….well… I’ll be a monkeys uncle before I put another GD mask on….
About f**king time!
This is a good thing. Now I hope he realizes he needs to stop doing business with Bill gates foundation
The “ World Health Organization “ is and always was a joke .
They WERE NO HELP WHATSOEVER during Covid . None .
We pay all their salaries and fund all their crazy Marxist / Globalist mentality “ needs “ ….
Trump is right ……kick them to the curb .
We don’t need THEM telling US what to do .
Obama – Clinton . Biden insanity .
THANK YOU Donald Trump !
Bunch of IDIOTS!!!! Who have no clue what this even is, if they can say that this is a great idea. Wow we are living among so many uneducated sheep, who follow this rapist convicted felon blindly. smfh
Vaxdaddy: “Everyone should take that beautiful shot!”
cue enormous explosion in super cancers
Vaxdaddy: “muh new mRNA (that’s genetic editing, for the slow kids), ‘A.I.’ driven ‘vaccine’ for cancer is here!”
MAGA= a cult. Whose members are clinging to levels of cognitive dissonance that is way off the charts
who needs the WHO when you have a biometric tracking system driven by ‘A.I.’, right?!
oh, you think it’s just for the illegals? how cute!
Problem -> reaction -> solution.
Thanks MAGA cult members! You’ve officially helped usher in a police state technocracy that will make Orwell roll over in his grave
Any help, or even acknowledgment for the people suffering in North Carolina?
Imagine that….
MAGA Chuds think diseases respect borders! Idiots!
Giving that soft power away to China. Good jump Trump 🙄
Great move. The UN should be next.
Arrest fauci and dora mills as well as the board members at Portland press, SMCC, bowdoin, idexx and the bigelow animal testing facility.