President Donald Trump was lectured about showing ‘mercy’ to illegal immigrants and transgender children during a sermon from a left-wing bishop at the Washington National Cathedral on Tuesday.
The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, delivered the shockingly politically charged sermon at the Service of Prayer for the Nation as President Trump, Vice President J.D. Vance and their respective families sat together and listened.
Addressing Trump directly, Bishop Budde said: “I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country that are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and Independent families, some who fear for their lives.”
Budde also asked Trump, who listened on with a flat expression, to “have mercy” upon illegal immigrants.
“The people who pick our crops, and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants, and work the night shifts in hospitals, they might not be citizens or have the proper documentation,” Budde told the commander-in-chief.
“The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. I ask you to have mercy Mr. President on those in communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away,” Budde said.
While Trump kept a poker face throughout the pessimistic sermon, others in the audience appeared noticeably uncomfortable during Budde’s leftist screed.
Asked about the prayer service later in the day by reporters at the White House, Trump did not call out the bishop for her sermon, but asked the reporters: “What did you think, did you like it? Did you find it exciting?”
“Not too exciting was it. I think it was a great service,” Trump told reporters.
Republican Congressman from Georgia Mike Collins wrote on X Tuesday afternoon that “The person giving this sermon should be added to the deportation list.”
Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde, consecrated as bishop of Washington in November 2011, is an activist for several progressive causes. According to her diocese website, Budde is “an advocate and organizer in support of justice concerns, including racial equity, gun violence prevention, immigration reform, the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons, and the care of creation.”
You insects don’t even pretend to be human beings and there will come a time where your fascist nonsense is illegal.
How many are living with her? Why is it so hard to understand the word illegal?
Sounds like lobbying. Say goo-bye to tax exemption.
How long do we have to put up with this nonsense? Female woke police chiefs, female woke fire chiefs, female criminal mayors. Has the episcopal church gotten to appointing women as bishops because there are no men left?? C’mon man!
And what are this twits “ pronouns “ ?
I don’t even want to know .
Trump should have excused himself to take an important phone call .
Stay away from that “ church “ .
The preacher is a nut case .
Invest in deportation. Deliver us from the sexually perverted, taxpaying slavery and injustice for all!
Janet Mills, referred as the joe biden of maine, issued a pardon for Aaron Nichols who was accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl and having unlawful sexual contact with another teen in 2001. Mills served as Nichols’ legal counsel during his early 2000s assault case which is huge conflict of interest.
He should spend a day in Gasia.
Maybe they know were the 300,000 lost illegal kids are<
To “Just the Facts” Janet has no objection to child sexual assault.
Jeremiah 14:14
14 Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds
I guess she didn’t get the memo that illegal is the operative word in “illegal” immigrant and there’s no such thing as transgender. It’s male or female, can’t have it both ways.
Ya wanna know who’s a woke Christian? JESUS CHRIST.
They could always drop a few gang members from Venezuela at her home.
How about the people of the country they came from have mercy on them
This church bishop giving us her opinion from the pulpet, Jordan Peterson had to get re-educated I think she does too
What a p.o.s. freak pretending to be a bishop. We’re done with your woke agenda ruining the country!
She’s a heretic and condemned
There is a time and place for this garbage, and this was not either! Don’t “she” understand that ppl are tired of the BS and she is not helping her “cause”. Now she had her 5 minutes of fame, now go away!
Episcopalians endorse same sex marriage and abortion. Nuf said.
Trump, Vance and their families showed great composure by not walking out on that woke lecture. By not discussing her thoughts with Trump privately she has lost all credibility. The episcopal “church” lost its way many years ago.
Is their church so overloaded with pedo / homosexual child molesters that they had to slide in a crazy Marxist lesbian ? Is this the best they’ve got ?
What an absolute nauseating display from THAT church .
Send that bitch over to Botswana . Let her “ preach “ to people there !
The catholic church, I’m sorry to say, is complicit with the invasion of our country. She knows accountability is coming.
It’s interesting how people call a pastor exercising her right to free speech in a nonviolent and polite manner a fascist while one of your own party performs an act at the inauguration, that is wildly know as a symbol of a party that actually killed innocent people and yet you cry free speech. Read a book and take a good long look in the mirror. It’s not your fault, you are scared and looking for scapegoats and that’s exactly what they want. They want you to blame your neighbors, they want you to blame the little people because it distracts you from the truth. Blame the people who actually cause your problems. Blame the billionaires who keep you poor. Keep your eyes open and stop hating your neighbors because they have no power over you. We’re in 1930s Germany and you need to step up and start holding the people who are actually making your life hard accountable for their actions or your next job will be marching innocents into gas chambers and I’m telling you right now they aren’t going to pay you well for it.
Google sez: Since 2012, the average yearly decline in Episcopal Church membership has been approximately 40,000. People like the Right Reverend will eventually destroy the Episcopal Church.
I was raised in the Episcopal Church. I no longer recognize the Episcopal Church and will never again darken its feminized door.
“Woke Activitst”???? My God, you people are so far gone, sooooooo far away from the teachings of Jesus, as is the entire GOP. Sex scandals, stolen classified docs, insurrections… this is NOT the party of law & order. The Convicted Felon in Chief just released 1500 violent convicted criminals into the streets of DC. Now, when confronted with Jesus’ teachings, he scoffs & calls the ordained minister names. All of you are what is wrong with our country, please close the door on your way out.
As Jeff Foxworthy might have said, “ooh….someone married that woman and slept with her!”
This creature does not acknowledge crime, the decine of safety in our major woke cities, the missing 330,000 children dragged to sex slavery by her biden woke policies, the Venezualian gangs, the unvetted, unvaxed illnesses brought to America by open borders, the US as the ONLY UN member of 196 nations with an open border, the decline in wages her heroes create, the further ruination of public education in cities, etc? What a disgrace.
Take off your fancy vestments and go to the poor and teach.
It seems that some folks posting here think it is perfectly fine to traffic humans according them it is the Christian thing to do. Even better is they think it is Christian to allow people to break into their home and then be responsible to support them at the sacrifice of your own family. Maybe they can tell us how many illegals they have living with them and are supporting. There is nothing Christian about taking money from one person to give it to another. As for fascism look up the definition and get back to us. There is nothing fascist about upholding the law. Now those public/private partnerships are another story. DEI is not only racist but fascist.
Isn’t it due for a DRI prostate exam? Is it circumsized.
The catholic and Christian churches are a big part of the problem bring these illegals in, if the churches want to be involved in politics then they should have to pay taxes like the rest of us if not then they should shut up..!!