As this everlasting election cycle winds down, none too soon, I thought I would focus on a single issue in the Bloomberg Assault on our Second Amendment rights. I have watched, participated in and listened to debates on this subject and the opinions on its impact are all over the map. Some people think it will have no effect on law abiding citizens, while others insist it will only affect the people who follow the law. I happen to fall in the latter group. It is a bad proposal that would have never stood a chance in the Maine Legislature,…
Author: Jeff Zimba
We have examined numerous articles about the misguided referendum questions on the ballot in Maine this coming November, which have been pushed on Maine voters by big money and outside interests. The language voters see on the ballot seems simple and concise, but each of the laws are complex and difficult for the average person to understand. On Question 3 in particular, we have come to understand all the moving parts of the legislation that would make its passage catastrophic for Mainers. To put it plainly, Question 3 is too confusing and far reaching. We could pick it apart for…
For several years, Michael Bloomberg, former Mayor of New York City, has been a one-man wrecking machine, imposing his ideas on citizens all around the country. Many of his life missions have been publicly scrutinized, and most people know him best for imposing his ridiculous “soda regulations” where he banned soft-drinks over a certain size. Could people just buy two smaller soft drinks, you might ask? Of course. You see, these far-left “solutions” usually have zero merit and are full of symbolism over substance. They seldom address or contain any real “solution” even if an actual problem can be identified,…
People are quickly finding that, like many political issues, the devil is in the details, and Question 3 is no exception. Along with several other misguided questions coming in front of Maine voters this November, these marching orders from entities “from away” are not very well suited for those of us who live here and are raising families in sync with the heritage and traditions that separate Maine from the rest of New England, and most of the nation. Question 3 is being billed as a simple, harmless “universal” background check bill that (they claim) will help keep firearms out…
The Ringmaster has all the answers to the questions no one is asking Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… Let me have your ear for a short moment to enlighten you about a new epidemic that has fallen on your home… It can’t be seen and can’t be heard and there are no outward symptoms whatsoever… If you’re afraid, that’s good. It shows you care… Now huddle around me and prepare to listen close… On your way into the big tent, drop one thin dime, just one tenth of a dollar into this hat, and prepare…
With a Citizen’s Initiative Process ripe for abuse and for sale to any billionaire, is our time to self-govern over? Just like we saw a few years ago with the Bear Baiting Referendum, it is pretty easy to have a pet project placed on the ballot for Maine elections. It really doesn’t matter what the issue is, or if there is any Maine support for it. It doesn’t have to address a real problem nor does it need to have any grassroots effort anymore. All that is needed for someone to influence and change our way of life is a big enough…
“Words have meaning, and we would ALL be better off if some TRUTH was injected into our conversation again.” -Jeff Zimba With the predictable cry for “More gun control” yet again front and center, all the same smoke and mirror illusions are back in order to take advantage of the emotion surrounding this latest terrorist attack. People who have no idea how firearms work are thrust into conversations where they parrot the mistruths they are spoon fed by the left, and their ignorance couldn’t be more obvious to those of us who actually understand the terminology. Aside from the obvious…
Here we go again. More out-of-state money pouring into Maine to help us country-bumkins stay alive and save us from ourselves. It is absolutely amazing our parents and their parents made it this far without Michael Bloomberg’s help. After all, who better to assist us with the long, time-honored tradition and heritage of gun ownership in Maine than someone from New York City… The snake oil salesmen are out in full force on this one. It is rumored that they are spending upwards of $5,000,000 in Maine on this campaign, and $5 million buys a LOT of propaganda. They are…
This November we have an enormously important issue coming via Citizens Referendum regarding our ability to keep our black bear population in balance. It is being touted as a “Fair Chase” issue, but if Question 1 passes, the consequences have far wider implications. The primary force behind this referendum is the Washington DC based, Humane Society of the United States or “HSUS”. They are pouring millions of dollars into urban and suburban Maine trying to influence voters and attempt to financially overpower the citizens who live in the rural areas who interact with these huge predatory animals on a regular basis.…