The mainstream media — the same guys who once hyperventilated about President Donald Trump getting two scoops of ice cream while his guests got one — is now going after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over story from the left-wing Daily Beast that he once ate pudding … with his fingers.
According to not one but two(!) source, two real sources, DeSantis once ate pudding in 2019 using three fingers during a flight from Tallahassee to Washington, D.C.
The story, real or not, now enters two long lists: 1) stories about politicians’ weird eating habits; and 2) thinly sourced stories attacking Republican candidates for the flimsiest of fake reasons.
On weird eating, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) is said to have eaten a salad with a comb. Former N.J. Gov. Chris Christie’s love affair with candy is well known, as is Trump’s obsession with McDonald’s. But former Ohio Gov. John Kasich has to take the cake. The man demolished pizza, italian subs, spaghetti — anything he could get his hands on time and time again while the cameras were covering his doomed 2016 presidential bid.

In terms of flimsy stories attacking Republican contenders, though, this story from Jacob Lahut at the Daily Beast easily cracks the top ten. (Lahut, by the way, looks like the kind of guy who’s dipped his fingers in a pudding cup a time or two…) The top item in this category must be the Boston Globe’s 2012 report that Mitt Romney once, in 1983, on a family trip, put the family dog Seamus’ kennel on the roof of the car because he was having some diarrhea. The affair is memorialized for all time on Wikipedia as “Mitt Romney dog incident“.
DeSantis, who is expected to run for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, has irked Florida and national political reporters by denying them access and refusing to talk with them.
Will that strategy ultimately help him win the White House? The proof will be … in the pudding.