Mainers appear largely divided over the five ballot questions set to go before voters this November, according to a new poll from Pan Atlantic Research — a Portland-based independent marketing research and consulting firm.
Out of these five questions, Mainers appear most likely support Question 1, a law proposed via the citizens initiative process that would limit contributions to independent expenditure-only PACs — commonly referred to as Super PACS — to $5,000.
While traditional PACs can make contributions to political candidates in addition to making independent expenditures, they are already limited to receiving no more than $5,000 a year from any single donor.
Super PACs, however, cannot donate directly to candidates but are currently eligible to receive unlimited contributions from their donors.
Under the proposed legislation, however, contributions made by both individuals and businesses to PACs “for the purpose of making independent expenditures” would be limited to a total of $5,000 per calendar year as well.
If approved, this would present a challenge to the current structure of PAC limitations, as well as to existing legal precedent.
Both Equal Citizens — a nonprofit that played an active role in helping to raise funds in support of gathering the signatures needed to put this issue on the ballot — and Citizens to End SuperPACs — the ballot question committee (BQC) responsible for the petition — have indicated that they anticipate this law would spark legal challenges that will ultimately bring the issue before the Supreme Court.
Pan Atlantic Research revealed this month that 69 percent of Mainers plan to vote in support of this measure, including 78 percent of Democrats and Independents, as well as 57 percent of Republicans.

Questions 2-4 represent bond issues that need voter approval in order to move forward. For all three of these questions, just over half of respondents — between 51 and 55 percent — indicated that they would vote in favor of these measures if the election were held today.
Stemming from a law approved by legislators in April, Question 2 asks voters if they would like to approve a $25 million bond to provide funding to the Maine Technology Institute for innovation-related efforts.
This money would be used for “research and development and commercialization as prioritized by the Maine Innovation Economy Advisory Board’s most recent innovation economy action plan and the Office of Innovation’s most recent science and technology action plan.”
These funds must be awarded by the Maine Technology Institute through a competitive process to Maine-based public and private institutions “to leverage matching private and federal funds on at least a one-to-one basis.”
Fifty-two percent of Mainers said they intend to support this measure, including 67 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of Independents, and 38 percent of Republicans.

If approved, the bond in Question 3 would give the Maine Historic Preservation Commission $10 million to spend on restoring historic buildings owned by governmental and nonprofit organizations.
Award of these funds by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission would need to be contingent on a 25 percent local match by each recipient.
This appears to be the most popular of the three bond questions, with 55 percent of Mainers saying that they intend to vote in support of it, including 64 percent of Democrats, 55 percent of Independents, and 50 percent of Republicans.

Should voters approve Question 4 this November, $30 million would be made available to establish the Maine Trails Program in order to leverage at least $3 million in matching public and private contributions for the “design, development, and maintenance of nonmotorized, motorized, and multi-use trails statewide.”
The Bureau of Parks and Lands would be restricted to $7.5 million spending annually, and after the first year, any remaining unspent balance may be added to the total for subsequent years.
These funds would be awarded through a competitive grant process to municipalities, executive branch departments and agencies, and nonprofit organizations.
Fifty-one percent of Mainers indicated in the Pan Atlantic Research poll that they would vote in support of this bond, including 57 percent of Democrats, 49 percent of Independents and 47 percent of Republicans.

Question 5 asks voters if they would like to replace the current state flag with an early 20th century design commonly referred to as the Pine Tree Flag.
Secretary of State Shenna Bellows held a design contest this past summer to solicit options for the specific model flag upon which voters will be deciding this November. Although a design has now been chosen, an image will not be included on the ballot.
The official description of this design — as included in a bill signed into law earlier this year — reads: “buff, charged with the emblem of the State, a pine tree proper, in the center, and the North Star, a mullet of 5 points, in blue in the upper corner; the star to be equidistant from the hoist and the upper border of the flag, the distance from the 2 borders to the center of the star being equal to about 1/4 of the hoist, this distance and the size of the star being proportionate to the size of the flag.”
[RELATED: Official Design Revealed for Proposed Replacement of Maine State Flag]
Based on the results of this poll, Mainers are split relatively evenly on this question, with 40 percent supporting the measure and 40 percent opposing it. 20 percent of respondents remain undecided.
There is also relatively little partisan division on this question, garnering support from 44 percent of Democrats, 37 percent of Independents, and 40 percent of Republicans.

Click Here to Read the Full Poll Results
This poll was conducted September 5 and September 15 with a selected sample of 875 Mainers. Responses were only included from those who indicated that they were “likely,” “very likely,” or “certain” to vote in the upcoming election.
The results represent 812 likely voters and have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.
Due to the rounding of decimals, not all figures reported by the organization equal an even hundred percent.
For More Information from the Maine Wire on These Ballot Questions: These Five Questions Will Be On the Ballot in Maine This November
The voters of Maine have never met a bond they don’t like.
It’s loans people!!!!
To be fair, if they took the non profits’ buildings out of the historic preservation bond, I’d consider voting for it.
Everything on the ballot is getting a no vote from me.
Like spitting in the wind in this state that seems to have a penchant for becoming the poorest state in the country but I’m still voting no.
The VP has a gun. What kind? where did she take the courses to get a permit? where does she keep it? Has she taken it to NY or Ma? Does the separate service know the answers? What is she afraid of? OR IS IT JUST A LIE.
Why are non-profits getting money to restore their buildings? they already do not pay taxes and they do not necessarily support or work for the people. The bond should be for gov and public buildings only. Anyone can go out and form a non-profit (it’s really easy), then purchase a building and use this bond to restore their building at the tax payers’ expense. How strange….
What’s the matter with the flag we have ?
Just something else for the malcontents to tear down or destroy .
By the time the State of Maine changes the logo on every sheet of paper , every sign , every truck door , every official thing the damn state has ……you suppose it will cost anything ?
Of course it will ….more tax dollars piddled away
Oh …YOU don’t want the stupid pine tree design on YOUR license plate ?
You’ll have to PAY for one that doesn’t have it .
Save Our Tax Dollars ….KEEP THE FLAG WE HAVE !
Go find something else to change .
More “ trails “ …..oh boy ….More trails !
What is the matter with the flag we have ?
Sorry folks but The five year old’s pine tree drawing just doesn’t do it for me .
How come Sheena Bellows gets to choose ?
Think of all the stupid pine tree tee shirts they can sell in Portland !
Im voting no to change our flag !
When you don’t vote for stupid stuff. they accuse you being a “No Show”
the people of Maine prove them selves to be uneducated, mindless lemmings. This is why Maine is the poorest, highest taxed, uneducated state in the country. Well done Mainers keep voting for these bonds and the idiots who submit them.
Why are the voters not given the chance to decide on topics like :unlimited abortions up to birth , transgender surgery for minors ,influx of ILLEGAL immigrants,DEI education in schools ,Climate change programs …the list goes on.We citizens of Maine have no say in what really matters!
Lots of Low Information Voters in Maine . Too many . They vote from what they “ feel “ totally unconcerned with the ultimate outcome. He’s Mean . She’s Joyful . Oprah likes her, so we are with “ Her “ .
Not to worry if and when she bans your wood stove , takes away your seven round magazine , bans your gasoline powered car, bans your propane stove , and then let’s ANOTHER ten or more million illegal aliens come in to your country . She is joyful and talks about the future . We’ll vote for her .
If Barack Obama gets another four years to “ change “ the country , we won’t ever come back from it . Don’t think for one minute that HE is the one running the country right now . It ain’t Kamala and it sure isn’t Joe Biden .
Its time for Maine voters to wake up .
This Pan Atlantic Research Poll is garbage, as are ALL liberal/communist polling companies. And, most media in Maine is owned/run by libs/communists as well.
Wake up Mainers! You’re being manipulated! It’s all to part you from your hard-earned money.
None of these ballot questions are worth it to get a ‘yes’ vote! We’ll all get hosed if these pass.
When King was governor he figured out how to bypass the Maines Constitution to have a 2/3 vote to accept the budget. And to this day that is how it is done . Every budget vote since king has not met the 2/3 requirement!
The Senate leader Chuck Schumer is holding up the budget process hopping to force the Republicans into acting like they are not funding the government. Schumer is being supported by A. King He is not reigning a budget vote. The Schumer/king budget includes an Airfare smaller than it was before the Second World War!!! Just think about that “JOY” ; an Air Force smaller than before WW2.
Most of you do not remember that!!! Little Chuck Schumer is holding up the budget that provides for fewer plains the we had befor WW2. And Senator ,our Independent from Maine , is supporting him and VP Harris
Glad to see those Trump signs in Souther Maine.
Still no answer from the VP Harris sa to were are 30,000 kids who crossed the border with out parents are. In whose custody are these kids?
No on all 5.
In Martin style politics, once at the voting stage, a win by 1 vote is a mandate, notice the margins. These will be considered big wins by the Democrats
Shenna Bellows held a contest, and the best they could do is a urine colored flag with a pathetically childish rendition of a tree and a dark star like it’s from Star Wars the Federation! Good lord we have to get rid of these asshat clowns! Spending future generations money trying to change a classy flag with something you’d expect in a Kindergarten classroom! JUST STOP THE INSANITY!!!
Has any one found the 30,000+ kids who have no parents who came over the border and were set off on their own by our leaders. Do you know Angus, Governor, VP Harris.
What do they know about spendingThey can not even keep track of the kid who came over the border with parents. From a government report:
“Additionally, the agency did not serve notices to appear to all unaccompanied minors released by HHS who were required to show up in court, the inspector general said. More than 291,000 children did not have dates set for immigration hearings as of May, according to the report.” Addon 921,000 more kids lost by Biden/Harris.
Maybe God knows.
Maybe an maybe an MGO like Catholic Charities knows, Harris does not know but she is happy.