Maine’s Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) unveiled new rules on Friday that will impose additional red tape on Maine property owners trying to improve their property with accessories such as a deck, shed, or outdoor lighting.
[RELATED: Maine’s LUPC Confirmation Hearing Once Again Becomes an Unusually Contentious Issue…]
Starting on January 29, Mainers living in the state’s remote, unorganized territories will be required to let the LUPC know whenever they want to add any kind of structure to their property.
“Often property owners are not aware that their project needs to meet certain standards because a permit has not been needed. The new notice system will help guide people to what they need to do to avoid any issues down the road,” said LUPC Chair Betsy Fitzgerald.
The LUPC expects everyone living in the unincorporated territories (UT) to self-verify whether their project complies with relevant laws.
The Commission reassured property owners that they will not have to pay to report their projects and that they can do so online.
Although reporting is mandatory, the LUPC did not provide any details on the penalties for violations.
At the same time, the LUPC issued new rules regarding outdoor lighting aimed at preserving the natural darkness of Maine’s most remote regions and the visibility of the stars.
According to the Commission, Maine has the darkest skies east of the Mississippi River.
Those regulations require all new developments to use shielded light fixtures with “warmer” lighting colors in order to minimize light pollution.
The rule change provides exemptions for temporary lighting activities.
“People living in or traveling to the UT are used to seeing the stars. These rule changes will help keep the night sky dark over northern Maine,” said LUPC Executive Director Beyer
two words for the idiots in the LUPC, F OFF!!
Janet Mills and Augusta Democrats want to know about ANYTHING you have that she can start to tax you for ….
a hundred bucks for a new lamp post
three hundred dollars for a new wood shed ( be sure to register your wood stove )
five hundred more if you want for a garage for your car.
The taxes are going to keep on coming .
Maine better wake up to what the socialist democrats are trying to do .
We are almost a billion dollars in the red folks !
Save Maine . Vote for Republicans .
They aren’t fooling anyone. This is about money and control.
The lighting thing?
Too bad places like South Portland don’t even enforce their own published lighting codes.
So. Ptld Housing has a building behind us and we’ve been asking for the code to be enforced for a number of years not but for some reason the SPH refuses to put a shroud on the stadium light that illuminates my back yard and house.
If they’re going to have codes, they better make sure they have people who are willing to travel those dark roads to enforce them.
Why on Earth is there concern about light pollution in Aroostook County? New York City has 29,303 people per square mile. For comparison, Aroostook County has 10 people per square mile. I know light pollution can be a problem with much smaller cities than NYC, but surely there are more pressing problems for the government in Maine to address.
More STUPID regulations from a State out of control .
That lamp post up in T2R4 is going to be a big problem for the nuts in Augusta .
This is just another commission , board , committee , LUPC …LOL designed to create jobs for the party faithful and suck money from the state tax payers .
Louise , YOU are correct . It’s time for some fiscal control , and a Republican majority in Augusta .
Save Maine .
It isn’t enough that they have neighbors turning in neighbors for alleged ridiculous violations, now they want the actual so-called offenders to turn themselves in (folks, don’t forget the 5th ammendment). Reminds me of Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant” ! 27 8×10 colored glossy photos with writing and printing on the back of each one —– LOL x 100 !
LUPC, get a life !
BTW—I thought the SCOTUS recently ruled that it is unconstitutional for unelected bureaucrats to make rules and regulations over the people, that it has to be done by elected officials. Are these new rules constitutional, are ANY of LUPCs bureaucratic rules constitutional ?? ??
If light bulbs are light pollution, then what are windmills and solar panels?
Do not obey. F… them!
lupc needs to be disbanded! they are all about the “after the fact” fees!! there is an effort from the statw to increases taxe revenue… tell them about ur 5x 8 wood shed and see ur property tax go up!! i had to pay them after the fact fee for a kids tree house and a MOBILE chicken coup…. the moment u say anything they are like “permit pemit fee fee, and cant do that.” ..
the exterior lighting is way over reach too… u cant run a outdoor light long off grid with no power…. most camps are either packed on a lake next to each other or in the middle of the woods away from anyone…
Pretty sad. Big sister wants to know everything about you. Are we free people?
Dont pay taxes or get permits and learn the truth.
Damn sad
I’m not registering shit, the state thinks they own us, F^ck them, f^ck the democrats in Augusta, and F^ck Janet Hit’ler Mills…