A new study, conducted by Just Facts, claims that roughly 10-27 percent of adult non-citizens in the U.S. are illegally registered to vote.
According to the study, this translates to roughly 2-5 million adults illegally registered to vote as of 2022, based on 2022 census numbers, which claim that 19 million non-citizen adults live in the country.
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“American elections are being illegally and illegitimately decided,” said Independent Journalist Kyle Becker on X.
Given the closeness of many U.S. elections, 2-5 million illegal others could conceivably sway results and even determines presidential election results.
The new study is based on a similar study from 2014, conducted by the Electoral Studies academic journal.
That study found that, while roughly 25 percent of non-citizens in the U.S. in 2008 were registered to vote, only 6.4 percent actually voted.
It also found that over 80 percent of those who did vote were casting their votes for Democrat candidates.
Just Facts then conducted their own study, examining the same data using similar, but slightly altered methodology, and found that 27 percent of non-citizens were registered to vote, and that 16 percent voted in the election, although they allowed for a large margin of error, given the difficulties surrounding data collection on illegal activities.
The most recent study used an enhanced version of their previous methodology and applied it to 2022 data.
That study yielded the 10-27 percent margin.
Just Facts concluded that, if only half of the illegally registered voters actually vote, non-citizens will account for roughly 1-2.7 million votes in the 2024 presidential election unless Republicans succeed in their attempts to require voter ID and proof of citizenship before someone is allowed to vote.
If the percentage of registered non-citizens who voted for the Democrat candidate in 2008 is maintained in 2024, non-citizens could account for 810,000-2,187,000 of votes, which could conceivably be a deciding factor.
Any questions about why Democrats are against voter ID?
Talk about old news.
Some of us have been asking our city councils and state govt what they’re going to do about it.
No answers because they crave power at any cost.
Ayuh,….. 6.7%, is 7% too many,…… Pass voter ID laws,…..
My parents, who remained Canadian citizens on the French side living in Maine, NEVER EVER voted because they knew it was unlawful.
I became a citizen in order to vote.
Allowing foreigners to vote is repugnant to the various constitutions – state and federal.
It is scandalous to say the least.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)
…well, duh! There’s not a lot of GOOD reasons why this regime has allowed millions of illegals into the country. New voting block, for one, and of course we cannot overlook the very large influx of military age men, especially Chinese of late. Explain that one ‘Just Facts’!
Ind. King keep up voting DEMO. and do not clean up the voter roles and wind an other election.
It has not been said in News real by US attourney in Portland.
Are three shooting suspects in the Saco shooting Joe Bidden ILLEGAL BOYS or are they US citizans living in New Bedford?
Democrats plan all along.
Goodbye Maine and NH, VT
You just got canceled
Now pay your taxes!