The left-wing Commonwealth Fund has released its annual “State Scorecard on Women’s Health and Reproductive Care,” in which Maine earned first place for its number of abortion clinics per woman of childbearing age.
[RELATED: Janet Mills Endorses Planned Parenthood-Backed Abortion Amendment to Maine Constitution…]
The report celebrated Maine for vastly exceeding the national average number of abortion clinics per 100,000 women between ages 15-44.
While the national average is 1.5 abortion clinics per 100,000 women, Maine has 12.9, meaning that abortion is more readily available to women in Maine than it is in any other state.
The Commonwealth Fund placed Maine sixth overall in women’s health and reproductive care, directly below New Hampshire and above Washington, D.C.
The top of the list was dominated by New England states, with Massachusetts coming in first.
Under the leadership of Democratic Gov. Janet Mills, Maine has become one of the most permissive states in the country for abortions.
Despite claiming multiple times during her 2022 re-election campaign that she would seek no changes to Maine’s abortion laws, Gov. Mills quickly backed one of the most extreme abortion proposals ever considered in Western Civilization.
In 2023, she signed that bill (LD 1619) into law, making abortion legal in Maine for any reason up until the moment of birth so long as a single doctor, including a Planned Parenthood physician, signs off of the life-ending procedure.
Mills subsequently pushed for a state constitutional amendment that would have made abortion a right.
Although that measure failed, Mills did allow a bill to become law which allows adults to bring minors into Maine for “abortion tourism” where they will face no legal repercussions, even if they are not the minor’s parent or guardian.
On Thursday, Mills held a press conference in Brunswick on behalf of President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, falsely claiming that former President Donald Trump’s election platform includes punishments for women who abort their babies, limits on the availability on contraceptives, and a nationwide ban on abortions.
None of this is true.
Satanists are in complete control
They hate children so I don’t want to hear Dirty Dems say “it’s for the children” ever again.
Most abortion clinics, nearly the worst education system in the nation; Maine leads in the race to the bottom. General Shills will be proud.
Won’t abortion lead to the termination of humanity by eliminating the next generation?
Abortion advocate is a euphemism for baby killer. Pretty simple if we “follow the science”.
I’m conflicted.
The fact that Mills & Democrats take such horrendous glee at murdering innocent babies infuriates and sickens me. But it doesn’t surprise me at all!
Yet, since the majority of abortions are those of Democrat spawn, that’s actually a good thing! The fewer Democrats, the better!
Too bad Democrats don’t pick their blood fight with those of us who would be happy to fight back, instead of innocent babies!
If murdering the unborn is all you can run on …. Just how many million more unborn will be sacrificed at the altar of Progressives. Maybe someone could ask Mills why they no longer tout the late great Margaret Sanger.
Abortion Clinics / Pot stores / Low SAT scores, What else is maine known for?. Don’t take away my right to party
The Democrat party is the party of death! If they don’t take you out before you’re born, the criminal element within the party will place you in harms way for a lifetime!
It’s not a distinction we should be proud of, regardless of which side of the aisle you are on.
That’s a happy looking crowd in the picture. Of course, in addition to promoting the murder of babies, Mills faces the camera and tells blatant lies about Trump who happens to be pro abort, sadly.
This is what’s important to these fools. Roads are falling apart, kids don’t know how to read, write and add, ILLEGAL ALIENS receive better housing than Mainers. Citizens of Maine you had enough? If you are not tired of this then you must have no brain cells. You get what you vote for !!!!!
Kill them some how, Marry Jane from Maine, fenyantal from Maxico, or do nothing from the Governor. Leave with Joe.
The YMCA has even through out Maine kid in favor of illegals.
Remember the NOG when the Government makes their next budget Mr. TRUMP.
Gee, wouldn’t it be nice if ALL forms of healthcare were a preemptive right? And since 3/4 of abortions are “wanted” because the mom knows she can’t afford to raise that possible future child, maybe we should be doing something about THAT, too. Poorer countries manage to. But no, it’s much more valuable for the plutocrats in charge to blame women for being “selfish” & blame “feminism”.
BUT, LD 1619 (2023) doesn’t say “it allows abortions to be done up until the day before birth” (as if anyone knows exactly when any birth will happen, unless they’re doing an emergency c/sec). What LD 1619 DOES say is it allows MDs to “use their professional judgement”. Are we supposed to believe that docs being allowed to use their professional judgement is a bad thing?
What have we become. We throw God out of the public eye, we kill our own calling it a choice and a right yet open our borders to every other culture including many who will never assimilate into our way of life but are here to turn our nation into the shit hole that they left.
No agency or company that gets state/federal money should be allowed to campaign, lobby or donate to people who run for public office.
More Breweries …..More Pot Shops …..More Abortion Clinics
Lousy Schools ….Lousy Infrastructure…..Lousy Roads
Maine People keep voting for this shit and looking the other way .
WTF happened to our beautiful state ?
Next the haters want to change our flag . Where will it end ?
Maine –The way abortion should be.
Mills has always supported Child Sacrifice …..
Maine is #1 for all of the wrong reasons and at or near the bottom in education, business, personal income, healthcare.