A blowtorch-wielding man subdued by Los Angeles residents in a viral online video is living in the United States unlawfully despite multiple arrests and an assault conviction, federal immigration authorities confirmed.
Juan Manuel Sierra, a 33-year-old Mexican national, is an illegal migrant “gotaway” who carries an extensive rap sheet with local law enforcement, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesperson stated to the Daily Caller News Foundation. Sierra is currently being held by Los Angeles police on suspicion of contributing to the wildfires that have devastated Southern California in the past several days. (RELATED: Nine Suspected Tren De Aragua Gangbangers Charged For Brutal Kidnapping)
“Juan Manuel Sierra, 33, aka Juan Manuel Sierra-Leyva, Juan Leva, Leyva Moniker, and Juan Sierra, is a Mexican national who entered the U.S. unlawfully at an unknown date and location without inspection by an immigration official,” the ICE spokesperson said. “Sierra has multiple encounters with law enforcement from November 2016 to present for a variety of charges and was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon Oct. 10, 2023, in Van Nuys, California.”
“Sierra was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department Jan. 10 on a felony probation violation,” the spokesperson continued. “Officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations placed an immigration detainer on Sierra Jan. 12.”
Residents in Woodland Hills, California, many of whom were preparing to evacuate due to the nearby Kenneth fire at the time, noticed a man biking around the neighborhood holding a blowtorch and attempting to light trash cans with tree debris and a dead Christmas tree on fire, according to Fox 11 Los Angeles. Shocked locals eventually held him down, handcuffed him with zip-ties and called the police.
Sierra remains in the custody of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). However, it’s not immediately clear whether the LAPD will honor the detainer placed on him, as local law enforcement officials are subjected to strict sanctuary policies at the city and local level that largely forbid cooperation with ICE agents.
The LAPD did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.
Southern California has been devastated by numerous local fires in recent days, killing several and leading to billions in property damage. At least 24 individuals have so far died from the raging fires, and financial analysts predict the disaster could cost insurers as much as $30 billion, according to ABC News.
They should have shot and killed him on the spot .
No prisoners . No useless mouths to feed .
If we can’t send them home we can bury them where they fall .
It’s past time to deal with these illegal invaders who want to destroy us and our country .
Six days and counting till ICE gets control .
Lock and Load gentlemen . Lock and Load .
Hey Jerry
I agree .
I’d have shot the bastard twice , and once more for good measure .
“Blowtorch Juan”…smells like a lie to me. Sure, an illegal (?) immigrant is literally roaming the streets in full view literally carrying a blowtorch…right. Nothing more to see here folks, mystery solved. Was he also wearing a t-shirt that had “firestarter” printed on it?
Check out video pamela! He was biking around with torch in his hand.
Another illegal valedictorian. I guess we should be glad he wasn’t on the subway.
He’s not an immigrant but a felon lawbreaking illegal alien.
Illegal aliens/bogus asylum seekers should enjoy NONE of the rights & benefits of American citizenship!
At least officials admitted he came into the country illegally before the first Trump administration, while BO was still president.
come on man, you know the thing. He’s an “undocumented worker”
get with the communist lingo or be smeared.
we all know they come here to work, doing jobs Americans wouldn’t do, like torching homes.
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If CA interferes with ICE they are breaking Federal law. Federal Marshalls backed up by the National Guard should show up and arrest every person who stands in the way of the perps apprehension.
He should be disappeared!
Give him the COVID vaccine and 5 or 6 boosters and ship him back to Mexheco!
Now why would an LA lectorate who put Karen Bass into the mayor’s office expect their LA PD to charge some guy caught-in-the-act with a blowtorch with “arson”?
The fact that this individual is still breathing is a testimony to what is wrong in this nation and in California specifically. Bitch and moan and whine about civil rights my liberal friends, he is exactly who you invited in while mocking the MAGA crowd and Trump. Caught on camera with a lit blowtorch and no one shot him down, its attempted murder and unless you step up and start taking control your next to be lit on fire, raped, or murdered by the very scum of the earth you invited in.
Miss Riley’s killer was let out of jail —not enough beds
Through Bidden out of his and give it to the killer.
Stop calling illegal aliens “immigrants.” That’s Leftist Newspeak.
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democrats probably paid him to start the fires so they could blame climate change.
Someone please give us one valid reason not to deport him?
And we all know how fascinated with fire those pathetic HOMELESS METH HEADS become. And we all know the California LEADERS promote homelessness and drug use and abuse by providing these SICKO VICTIMS with
just enough taxpayer FREEBIES to keep the folks on the streets like stray desperately addicted animals.
Not kind. Not loving. Not liberty and justice for all. Wake up!